Art As Work
Art As Work
My 'Find your Visual Voice' Roadmap

My 'Find your Visual Voice' Roadmap

And more about Art As Work

Welcome to Art As Work.

A community for working creatives. Join for sketchbook obsessions, process and play. Plus Industry insights from a Design Director for Brands.

In this episode, I reflect on the 3 zones of working that we engage in as visual creatives. We’re all on our own mission to ‘find our visual voice’ in some manner or another. This is my roadmap as I have experienced it so far. I found it super useful to define these zones, so I could fully immerse myself in the process of discovery, play and project building, and do it with focus.

Do let me know if this resonates with how you work.

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Art As Work
Art As Work
Art As Work is a community for working creatives. Led by Raj Kaur, a Design Director for Brands, Artist and Illustrator. Listen for Industry insights, solo episodes and conversations with Designers and Artists.
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