Designers Who Draw
Designers Who Draw Podcast
Episode 03 - Reflections on an Instagram Challenge

Episode 03 - Reflections on an Instagram Challenge

My thoughts on completing work for Folktale Week 2023

Hello everyone

We’re hurtling to the end of November, and I am feeling very reflective.

It was quite a milestone moment for me, to manage to complete work for an instagram challenge. I have often decided that it would be fun to do one, or another, and often they would fall by the wayside, or become too overwhelming, and I would often give up. I’m not a big lover of the ‘gram, it mostly makes me feel bad about myself, my work and the human race un general. So why take time out this time?

In this episode I talk through my motivations and my experience of working through this challenge.

I hope it resonates with the makers and creators out there - the journey of making work is always a bit higgeldy piggeldy, and takes unexpected turns. Which is why it is nice to take a moment and reflect when the work is done.

I’d love to hear from you about your experience of making work for online challenges. Does it help you to reach your personal goals?

Let me know in the comments or feel free to send me a message!

Designers Who Draw
Designers Who Draw Podcast
I am a Designer Who Draws. Sharing my personal work, process, thoughts and cultivating a playful, joyful space in my sketchbooks and life. Fellow Creatives, come join in the journey!