Can't join live but this is so exciting! I love to watch videos of swatching materials on background when I'm drawing ☺️ Natasha Newton has some meditative ones on her YT https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQK5Onf13kW1npT377sVDviR9kbN1QQfj&si=-F6IGbXNcz__HvgM 🌈

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I’ve been so obsessed with Natasha’s videos lately! And created a very long wishlist as a result 😂

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That happened to me when I saw Sarah Dyer's reviews of colour pencils 🙈

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ooh yes I have watched some Natasha Newton - her videos are so soothing and such a good studio companion! Thanks for sharing☺️

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wow that is stunning! Those incredible colours against the natural tones of the landscape are divine 😍

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I had a look on my Colour Combo Pinterest board and choose this for reference by Ugo Rondinone: https://sevenmagicmountains.com/

As colour goes this is BOLD - but can be broken down per 'mountain' and then there's the natural landscape colours to consider too.

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