It was such a pleasure to meet you guys in person! And a perfect place to hang out. DEFINITELY need to meet for longer next time, I’m already dreaming about sketching in the alpine forests Raj 💚
SURELY it wasnt better than the Colour Workshop and Sarah's amazing course?!? BUt yeah, it was also my favourite day!! I still can't believe we made it happen!!!
It was such a pleasure to meet you guys in person! And a perfect place to hang out. DEFINITELY need to meet for longer next time, I’m already dreaming about sketching in the alpine forests Raj 💚
I have to figure out how to make that happen!
Oh how wonderful to meet up with the dream team in Brighton 😁💗
It really was a dream!
I love a good AMA! Here are my favourite questions to ask:
Favourite art medium?
Favourite subject or thing to paint/draw?
Sketchbook or canvas or loose paper?
Favourite colour?
Do you collect anything?
Favourite comfort movie?
What’s something people would be surprised to know about you?
What’s your karaoke song of choice?
What are you looking forward to?
EPIC LIST!!! Much appreciated - I love those questions!!
Seems that you had such a great time all together ❤️ I am the one who is interested in the story of you moving to Germany! 😅
I shall reveal all! (makes it sound mysterious - it isn't -but I so always get asked WHY!?!?)
That Saturday was the best day of my trip, and that's saying A LOT! We have to do it again for more days next time!
Oh, and here's my question: How do you prioritize creativity among all the other activities in your daily life?
SURELY it wasnt better than the Colour Workshop and Sarah's amazing course?!? BUt yeah, it was also my favourite day!! I still can't believe we made it happen!!!