You had me when you started making those glorious super thick lines!! I’m still using an old dip pen that has to be at least 10 years old! It’s covered in ink and paint but I can’t bring myself to throw it away.
The old dip pens are pure magic though! Definitley don't throw it away, I sometimes think the ones that have been used for years make the best lines! However, you can ADD to your collection..🫣
I don't think I could ever throw it away, I am far too attached to it. It has been with me since Uni! I could be lonely and need a pen pal...
I avoided all reviews of this for the same reason - its not cheap! I probably would not have bought it for myself, so you can imagine how thrilled I was when I got it for xmas! Thankyou, so glad you like the drawings!
I haven’t tried acrylic inks. Personally I would be nervous to use anything that might be risky for clogging - and I have not looked into the do’s and don’ts. However, the barrel of the nib that holds the ink is quite large, and I suppose as long as you wash the nib really well as soon as you are done with the ink, there’s no reason for it to cause issues. I’m too scared to try it though! I don’t want to risk anything damaging it - I love it too much. But I will have a dig around the internet and see if I can find reviews where people have. Generally I don’t use acrylic inks, but I am planning to try some this year. Do you have some that you recommend?
Thanks Raj, I love acrylic inks as they allow layers..i he tried a few, but I don t have predferences. However the antelope brown Daler rowney is my favourite. Isn t the one you mentioned also waterproof, that German brand?
Yes, it is waterproof - so technically the acrylic inks would probably be ok, I guess? Are the acrylic inks thin or thick? I guess that would impact how they work with the nib, because thinner would flow better.
I just found out that Rebecca green uses the Kakimori with Amsterdam acrylic ink!…so I guess it would work. Now I wonder why did you choose the steel over the brass? Sorry for the interview !
Currently I am using my favourite ink: Rohrers Antiktusche in Blauviolett. But I have also used Sketch Inks (made by the same company.) The Blauviolett is the one I am using in this sketch. It’s the only ink I have re-purchased because I use so much, and the bottle is HUGE.
That’s what I love about it too - the variation of line is beautiful, and also there is quite a lot of control. It is something I would only use at my desk though, I wouldn’t go out and about with it due to the ‘dipping’ part, but that’s totally fine and I don’t see that as a negative. I wouldn’t use any dip pens away from my desk, so its fine for me! It is such a lovely gift.
Love watching you draw with this nib! I've only used a similar nib once but how much ink it holds, and the juicy lines you get, were a real treat. Is that blue ink you're using too? It works so well with the orange and green!
Honestly, the amount of ink this holds is so surprising! It's a JOY to play with! The ink is my favourite blue, its Rohrers Antiktusche in Blauviolett. Everytime I used a different ink I regret it 🤣. Its so nice to be able to get such a range of line from one tool.
You had me when you started making those glorious super thick lines!! I’m still using an old dip pen that has to be at least 10 years old! It’s covered in ink and paint but I can’t bring myself to throw it away.
The old dip pens are pure magic though! Definitley don't throw it away, I sometimes think the ones that have been used for years make the best lines! However, you can ADD to your collection..🫣
I don't think I could ever throw it away, I am far too attached to it. It has been with me since Uni! I could be lonely and need a pen pal...
I'm pretty sure pens get lonely. Especially the wise old ones, they sometimes need a new pen puppy to get them out of their arm chairs...
Oh my I want to buy a small armchair for my dip pen! I think all art materials deserve pals, how lovely would that be...
Love this! Thank you, just ordered x
I’m sure you’ll love it!
Beautiful drawing and this pen helps in so many ways to create different types of lines.
Thank you! It really does create lots of varied beautiful lines.
I have been resisting this pen for months because it is very expensive around here. You have mastered it wonderfully. I love these drawings, bravo!
I avoided all reviews of this for the same reason - its not cheap! I probably would not have bought it for myself, so you can imagine how thrilled I was when I got it for xmas! Thankyou, so glad you like the drawings!
It is a beautiful gift indeed and your drawings show that it was a very good idea to give it to you.
Wow Raj, I tried not to get this pen, but it looks so good! Can you use acrylic inks with it?
I haven’t tried acrylic inks. Personally I would be nervous to use anything that might be risky for clogging - and I have not looked into the do’s and don’ts. However, the barrel of the nib that holds the ink is quite large, and I suppose as long as you wash the nib really well as soon as you are done with the ink, there’s no reason for it to cause issues. I’m too scared to try it though! I don’t want to risk anything damaging it - I love it too much. But I will have a dig around the internet and see if I can find reviews where people have. Generally I don’t use acrylic inks, but I am planning to try some this year. Do you have some that you recommend?
Thanks Raj, I love acrylic inks as they allow layers..i he tried a few, but I don t have predferences. However the antelope brown Daler rowney is my favourite. Isn t the one you mentioned also waterproof, that German brand?
oooh that’s great information! Very reassuring! Steel over brass - I didn’t choose it, it was a gift from my husband for xmas. I will ask him!
Oh yes it makes sense! I read the steel gives finer lines…anyway, I always associate you with line, so I see why your husband spotted it!
Yes, it is waterproof - so technically the acrylic inks would probably be ok, I guess? Are the acrylic inks thin or thick? I guess that would impact how they work with the nib, because thinner would flow better.
I just found out that Rebecca green uses the Kakimori with Amsterdam acrylic ink!…so I guess it would work. Now I wonder why did you choose the steel over the brass? Sorry for the interview !
oooh now I want to see how she uses it! AND I want the inks you mentioned....ooops!
I have this pen too but never use it D: you're inspiring me! what's your ink of choice?
Currently I am using my favourite ink: Rohrers Antiktusche in Blauviolett. But I have also used Sketch Inks (made by the same company.) The Blauviolett is the one I am using in this sketch. It’s the only ink I have re-purchased because I use so much, and the bottle is HUGE.
Just live how you can get both thick and pretty thin lines with it!
And super sketches!
That’s what I love about it too - the variation of line is beautiful, and also there is quite a lot of control. It is something I would only use at my desk though, I wouldn’t go out and about with it due to the ‘dipping’ part, but that’s totally fine and I don’t see that as a negative. I wouldn’t use any dip pens away from my desk, so its fine for me! It is such a lovely gift.
Every time I see this pen in use it moves higher and higher up my list!
🫣🫣🫣 (maybe I'll see if for cheap in Japan!)
If you have a trip to Japan planned, then its WELL worth saving the purchase till then! Also -OMG I AM SO JEALOUS!
Love watching you draw with this nib! I've only used a similar nib once but how much ink it holds, and the juicy lines you get, were a real treat. Is that blue ink you're using too? It works so well with the orange and green!
Honestly, the amount of ink this holds is so surprising! It's a JOY to play with! The ink is my favourite blue, its Rohrers Antiktusche in Blauviolett. Everytime I used a different ink I regret it 🤣. Its so nice to be able to get such a range of line from one tool.