40. Italy Holiday - Part 01
A longer video: Materials overview, reflections and a Sketchbook Tour!
2024 Update:
Hello Dear friends! There are many new people here recently, so to say thank you, and to mark the end of the year, I shall be unlocking some of my favourite sketchbook tours for your pleasure.
This tour is from our family trip to Italy in 2023.
If you’re new here, I hope this gives you more of an insight into the work I have been exploring recently.
Stay posted for more unlocking of the best sketchbook tours…coming soon!
We’re BACK!!!
Grab that cosy beverage of choice people, this is LONG ONE.
In this video:
I share some reflections / intentions of the trip and my materials choices
Review the materials I took
Share the sketchbook work with a lot of chat
I start off the video by saying ‘I didn’t really draw that much’ but actually, I did draw quite a bit more than I expected to!
If you get to the end of this video, THANK YOU and well done!
Let me know your thoughts, and how you manage to balance the ‘creating’ with the ‘resting’ part of your holiday time. (By the way, if you go hard on the resting and zero creating, you’re genius and wonderful because you’re doing your holiday RIGHT!)
One apology: I have not figured out how to work the closed captions on my youtube video, so HUGE apologies if this is not accessible for you. PLEASE let me know if that is a barrier for your viewing pleasure, I will do my best to fix it!
Here are a couple of the pages from my sketchbook as a sneak peek:

Reminder: my wonderful long time subscribers may recall from my Intro Post that at the start of the year I committed to writing and sharing 45 free posts here on Substack.
This is post 40!!! A nice meaty one too! I’m getting closer to the goal, and I’m so very much in love with showing up here. My intention was to make a deeper commitment to my personal creative practice, to support my Design career, and not only have I solidified that commitment in my mind, but I have discovered an incredible community of creatives, artists, writers and inspiring thinkers.
I believe in supporting the work of creative people, and am grateful that Substack allows me to support others with paid subscriptions. The value is incredible. After post 45 I will enable the paywall here and keep the longer, in depth content for my paid subs only. There will be free content too, and I will share more of what you can expect closer to the time.
I hope you will continue to support my work here. If you would love to join but are a student, or struggling financially at this time, there will be a limited number of free spaces available each month. Just drop me a message with ‘DWD Subscription Pledge’ and there will be no questions asked.
As always, I appreciate every one of you who clicked ‘subscribe’. THANK YOU.
This is so lovely Raj, thanks for sharing it again today!
Gutted I can’t make your live session, I’m away that weekend! Will there be a replay? x