Art as Work is a space where creatives can cultivate their practice through the lenses of 'play' and 'project.'

Paid membership: Project (& Process) access

***** NEW **** 5 Projects for 2025 *****

Work through 5 commercially focussed creatives briefs with me:

  • Starts February 2025 Ends November 2025. January and December are for preparation and rest.

  • Each project lasts 2 months

  • Brief is released at the start of month 1. This will be a focussed, in depth commercially focussed creative brief, as you would expect to get in the real world. These are aimed at artists and illustrators who want to bring their work to areas such as packaging / book covers / luxury goods / groceries / hospitality.

  • Project focussed chat: a space to share thumbnails, ideas, ask questions and get feedback on the brief. Regular check ins.

  • End of Project LIVE Zoom. Show and tell! This deadline is in place to ensure you get the work done, share the result, get more support and feedback as needed.

    This is an opportunity to access commercially focussed briefs and work at a gentle pace, with other creatives, and with myself. I’ll be doing the work with you, and sharing my process as I go. This is a trial for 2025 only! Join in and get some projects under your belt!

    NOTE: This is not a course. I won’t be teaching. I craft the briefs, give as much information as I can, then its over to you. It’s a shared workspace, where we work together. Think of it as a virtual studio, where we can ask questions of one another and get feedback.

Project (& Process) access - what remains unchanged from current:

  • Private Audio podcast feed: Notes from the Forest series.

  • In depth Videos: Process, Projects, Materials

  • Round Table Sessions (Live Zoom): We go deep into topics that pertain to a creative practice, and share perspectives and ideas. (Frequency: quartley-ish)

  • Sketchbook Tours: In depth, chatty versions (longer videos)

  • Archive access: I’ve been sharing all sorts on here for 2 years now, there is PLENTY to dive into!

    INVESTMENT INTO ‘PROJECT 5 FOR 2025’ IS ONLY 65 Euros (Annual)
    (Existing members remain on the lower price forever)

Free membership: ‘Play’

  • Co-Swatch Sessions Live Zoom: A monthly invitation to gift yourself an hour of connecting to your creative tools and art materials in the company of others. We spend an hour swatching, talking about materials and generally geeking out. It’s one of the most nourishing hours of the month! So often, the playful mark making and no-pressure exploration will lead to a major ‘unlock’. It’s a kind of magic! For more information and past sessions, go here.

  • Sketchbook Tours ‘light’: Shorter, easy to watch versions of my sketchbook tours. I hope this work inspires your own practice, and helps you to access ‘play’.

  • Industry Insights: Designed to help you with your own creative projects and practice, without needing to commit financially to the ‘Projects’ tier. I aim to give you tips and actionable ideas that you can go away and work with yourself.

  • Random posts about my creative practice: Sometimes, I just want to share stuff. So I will.

  • Discounts for any upcoming prints in my ‘coming soon’ store.

  • Podcast: Currently there are a number of solo episodes in the feed. Check them out, and download the app to subscribe to all future episodes. You’ll also be able to access audio only versions of my Co-Swatch sessions this way - quite nice for studio company!

Free subscribers: I aim to be respectful of your inbox. I won’t flood you with posts that you can’t access due to a paywall, I won’t email you too many times a month. I share a monthly overview to capture all the things you may have missed, or that is going on behind the paywall, to keep you informed.

Get more from RAJ KAUR in the Substack app
Available for iOS and Android

Why should you join?

Your commitment to your creative practice matters. As a free subscriber, I aim to encourage you to make the time for yourself, and through my own practice, inspire YOU. As a paid subscriber, we’ll work on the same projects together, and I’ll go deep into how I work. Also, I’m an over-sharer, so I’ll be VERY real with you about my experiences of juggling ALL THE THINGS (hello freelance life, parenting, mid-life joys, adjusting to life in Germany…) and show you how I get through it all whilst cultivating my creative career.

I’m Raj Kaur. Design Director for Brands, Artist, Illustrator and passionate keeper of sketchbooks.

  • I have 24 years experience working as a Designer for Brands. I’ve worked with some of the most respected and celebrated Design Agencies in London, Amsterdam, Munich, Hamburg and New York.

  • I exhibited my first collection of figurative artwork with The Other Art Fair in London, in 2011 and 2012, and have since been moving between my Design and personal creative practice.

  • I’m passionate about championing the work of artists and illustrators for brand-driven work in the design studios I collaborate with.

  • I’ll never tire of talking about sketchbooks and colour palettes!

  • I relocated from London to Bavaria, Germany in 2017, where I live with my husband, our son and Giant Schnauzer Nala. You’ll see a lot of her here!

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PLAY | PROCESS | PROJECTS – Creatives Working Together


A Design Director for Brands, Artist & Illustrator, cultivating a creative career for life