I’m knee deep in reflection, planning, trying to organise.
I know, at this time of year, everyone is banging on about goals and intentions. I am one of those people who actually, really, LOVES the new year. I LOVE the feeling of the slow, quiet, depths of Winter, a time that aligns with setting new intentions and taking time to think about where I want to go, what I want to improve on but also what I want to congratulate myself on. I enjoy it all, and my brain really needs it.
I’m very very tired. Our child was sick over Christmas and we’re still working on regaining our energy after many many nights of sleep deprivation. The forced stillness created lots of space for my brain to ruminate over how I might want to set up my journal, how I might want to tweak my planner but also to reflect on what I want to let go of, and what I want to bring in. I find this annual ritual soothing and grounding.
I would like to share these with you in a ‘light’ way - mostly because I really would love to find out how you all are, and what your version of this might be, if you’ve felt inclined to do something similar.
What’s Out, What’s in:
Reflecting and planning: what I found useful:

I’ve adapted the Bullet Journal approach to suit me, and I tweak and change how I need it to work month on month. I plan on paper, and need to feel the pen moving on the page to help my brain think, but I support the journal with digital tools to help with reminders and notifications, as and when I need them. I won’t bore you with the details of my set-up, but I will share the resources that I found REALLY helpful.
The Original Bullet Journal method as created by Ryder Carroll has been really helpful place to start - I don’t faff about with arty spreads - I like it simple, clean and efficient with just one black pen to work with.
This class on Skillshare by Dylan Mierzwinski is an EXCELLENT class on how to use the method for artists and creatives. I HIGHLY recommend checking it out, I have adopted a few bits of her approach and am planning to watch it again for a refresh.
For a general ‘life review check in’ I really appreciated this simple, light and uncomplicated approach by Ali Abdaal as shown in this video. It uses the Wheel of Life tool, nothing new, I’m sure you’ve come across it a million times, but the simplicity of it is what makes it so useful. My husband and I both worked through the exercises in this video, then compared notes on how we felt about each section, and used that to talk about how we could support each other better in key areas this year. It’s been really nice to sit down together and talk about life in a zoomed out way, and get into some good chats about what we want to improve, as well as celebrate.
Words of the year
I do this every year and I find it really helpful. I started back in 2017, when I left London, and it’s served to really anchor me when I felt ungrounded. It also helps me to have some acceptance for where I am, and to have some compassion for myself.
My 2024 words are: FOCUS AND JOY. (Basically, time to knuckle down but have fun on the way!)

Coming up: My Creative Annual Review
I’ve been a busy bee in 2023! Lots of sketchbooks have been completed or started or filled - and I have begun the process of working through and highlighting the pages that have been key. I’m in the process of creating a structured review process, and look forward to sharing it , plus my insights and plans with my lovely Club Members.
For free subscribers, expect a Sketchbook Tour coming your way soon!
I hope you’ve all had a wonderful start to the year, and are feeling rested, optimistic, recharged and surrounded by love.
If, like me, you’re knackered - then I wish you dreamless deep sleep!
Finally - WELCOME and THANK YOU to all my new subs, free and paid,
I am so grateful you are here.
Let me know in the comments:
Do you have a word of the year?
What’s your top 3 ‘OUT’ and ‘IN’?
What would you love to see from me in 2024? (I have almost a year’s content behind the paywall, so I’ll be taking time out to make sure its all easy to navigate soon!)
Mentions: Sarah Dyer Patreon & Naomi Wood
My word artwise for this year is Drawing, as simple as it is. Loved to read your in/outs list, will reflect a lil a bit more in mine but definitely OUT: buying shiny courses, buying huge amounts of new materials and wishing to do everything! IN: more drawing outdoors, balance better daily life vs art, read more books. Happy 2024 Raj✨️
Love your ins/outs! Your first one “stop buying shiny courses” is very on point for me. I’ll add it to my list!