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18. Building a limited colour palette

I needed a formula - so I made one!

I was happy with my sketches from my weekend away, which I shared in the last post, however, I could have done better with curating a limited palette. So this weekend, I decided to create some sketches based on the pictures I took on my phone, and use this as an exercise for choosing some colours to play with.

Designers Who Draw
A limited palette packed in a hurry
Easter weekend was a magical time! I escaped to the Bavarian mountains in the Berchtesgaden region of Germany. I took two of my sisters to a spa break, to celebrate the 50th Birthday of one, and a belated 50th of the other. I no longer live in the same country as my sisters, so it was extra special to have this time away from our respective responsibili…
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In the video I talk through the formula I cr…

The full video is for paid subscribers

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Art As Work