Colour is such a huge topic. Its life long learning to really get to grips with understanding colour theory, but its endlessly fascinating. Despite working with colour literally every day with my design work, when it comes to sitting down with my sketchbooks, I tend to feel overwhelmed and slightly panic. Even more so with paint!
If you want to improve your understanding of colour theory, there are some great resources out there. In the video I mention the workshop I attended last year:
The Colour Workshop with Juliet Docherty. If you’re UK based and able to attend, you won’t regret it. This colour wheel that I created in the workshop takes pride of place on my workspace wall, reminding every day that I must remember to practice what I learned!
I was inspired to buy this Caran D’ache pan gouache set after seeing Sarah Dyer review it on her Patreon. Pan gouache won’t give the same high quality as tube paints, but its perfect for experimenting with and for convenience. I continued to swatch after I switched of the camera, here are the results:

For more on colour mixing with gouache, this video is GREAT for explaining more about the basics: Sarah Burns Studio.
Let me know how you get to grips with colour theory in your own work, if at all!
Thanks so much.
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