April Vibes
April is a wild ride. April’s vibe is ‘let’s revisit every season of the year in one month’ and ‘mess with your wardrobe rotation game’. We had snow in April, glorious hot bbq days and everything in between. Blossoms at peak, birdsong freakishly loud and fresh zingy green leaves burst out of branches everywhere. Spring is the best season of them all, and I won’t hear another word to the contrary. It was also my birthday month, so I’m justifiably biased.
🎂 Highlight
I turned 46. That felt great. Lots to be thankful for, and I feel all the blessings. I toyed with the idea of a ‘46 things I’ve learned’ type post, but 1) that’s a LONG list of things to generate, and 2) the older I get, the less I really know. I’m not about to give out life advice any time soon. As Baz Lurhmann says, ‘if i could offer only one piece of advice for the future, Sunscreen Would be It.’ And DAMN I’m glad that song came out in my 20’s, because I took that advice and my 46 year old skin is looking GREAT.
➡️ Here on Substack
WE HAD OUR FIRST (free) CO-SWATCH SESSION! And it was SO GOOD. Thank you to everyone who came! I loved all the materials chat and sharing of knowledge. It sparked so much inspiration for me and I loved hanging out for a lunch break. I experimented with adding the replay as an audio only option, so you can listen back to the chat as a ‘studio vibe’. Let me know if that was useful?
I made a swatching PREP video, which can be found in this post:
We also continued the conversation and shared swatches in the SWATCH SHARE CHAT here.
I hosted a paid live session: Wes Anderson Inspired Colour palettes. We were a small group, I was nervous about solo hosting - but it was FAB!
💻 Work Life
I landed a great freelance contract, with JUST the type of projects I enjoy working on. Packaging design concepts with a heavy lean on illustrative work - WHOOP!
The contract inspired me to write this post, which resonated with SO MANY of you:
I’ve not stopped thinking about that post. My brain has been churning away with ideas of how I can follow up with more ways to share my knowledge. WATCH THIS SPACE.
🎨 In my Sketchbook
I didn’t even manage to draw ONE cat. But I drew 3 dogs. So that’s a win.
My Nala, drawn from my own photos. Luna and Vigo drawn with Beth Spencer and Samantha Dion Baker Following our Co-Swatch Sesh I drew my first sketch using water soluble pencils:
🌍 Substack reflections
I experienced Substack guilt, for not being able to show up as I hoped.
I also experienced Substack excitement, with my head full of ideas of what I want to do.
I then decided that I probably should scrap Substack entirely. I felt completely overwhelmed. I imagined writing a dramatic ‘I’m leaving the platform’ post. Then I started my period and immediately snapped out of it. DAMN hormones. Note to self: NO DECISIONS TO BE MADE IN WEEK 4.
In truth, I was quite sick for much of March and its lingered heavily into April. If I’ve been off radar and haven’t replied to your emails or returned calls, its very much due to this. I lost my voice for quite a while and my throat has not fully recovered. Being unwell did give me a chance to think about how to best approach my ‘goals’ for the year. I’m figuring out a better plan for myself, slowly!
I’m terrible at resting. The plight of the freelancer is the inability to utilise sick pay. (There aint none.)
📋 Q1 Reflections, now that we’re into Q2
My word of the year is ‘Focus’. Honestly, there has not been much of that. It’s time to revisit my project list, and reduce it right down. In between parenting, full time freelance, trying to implement a new workout plan, looking after a dog, run a household, meal prep and cooking - (oh, and this platform) - there are very small windows of time left to really move the needle on anything. Focus will be my friend.
🔎 Looking ahead, in the spirit of ‘Focus’
PAID SUBS: There will be no live this month. Instead, I will be going deeper into specific project process posts / video / audio with you. I have so many ideas swimming in my head, you’ll be hearing from me MORE, and I’ll be asking for your feedback and picking your brilliant brains. If there is something you really want to see from me, feel free to message! I’m always thrilled to know what might help you.
✍️ ALL SUBS: Free Co-Swatching Session 02 with take place on 22nd May 13:00 CET. Sign up here.
🎧 What I’ve been listening to:
Debbie Millman featured on a great episode on Life & Art from FT Weekend podcast.
I love cooking, eating and talking about food. And I love listening to other people doing the same. I’ve been enjoying The Sporkful and in particular loved the episode ‘Big Dip Energy’. SO MANY Dip puns. So good.
- podcast by 99% Invisible is a ‘show about what we wear’. The Modesty episode is a valuable listen for everyone. Thanks to my husband for sending it my way.
Overall my creative practice has taken a bit of a back burner in April - but its been a good opportunity for reflecting and replanning, and reminding myself that I can’t always be ‘ON’. I’ve noticed a lot of people mention burnout and overwhelm lately - seems like a seasonal theme! Have you been experiencing this? I’d love to know - let’s connect in the comments. :-)
Thanks Raj. I'm not able to be a paid subber yet, but I totally enjoy what you post. You are very generous. I loved your dog's and your boy gazing. Beautiful. I hope May sees you back to full health. Thanks again x Nell.
I do love seeing Vigo in your sketchbook! 💞 You captured his handsomeness masterfully. Thank you for sharing!